A, B, C . . . 1, 2, 3

I was walking with our dog Oliver just now and realized that “A, B, C . . . 1, 2, 3” could create a nice little gratefulness activity. Note: I also recall “A, B, C, 1, 2, 3” as part of the catchy refrain of the Jackson 5 song “ABC.”

Here’s my version today:

A is for the avocado I will soon have for breakfast.

B if for the banana I will be having too.

And C is for the morning coffee I always have.

Continue with 1 walk with Oliver,

on my 2 feet,

and the 3 deer we saw in the shadows on the grassy hillside.

Nature, science, and numerous people helped bring the avocado, banana, and coffee to the store where we bought them, with the help of more people like stockers and cashiers. Sit for a mindful minute at any meal time and consider how even one item on your plate made it there. It doesn’t take long to feel connected to the wider world and others.

Oliver isn’t just our dog. He’s family. Our morning walk this beautiful fall day was a treat, as always. I love to step out and breathe in the fresh air. My two feet and the rest of my legs and body are healthy and in good working order. What an amazing gift! And the three deer appeared to be a mother and two fawns. There are more than human families in our neighborhood.

A few brief moments of pause and reflection, and I soon had multiple gratitudes listed. Simple. Profound. Life is precious. Life is fragile. Take notice. Take note.

What is on your “A, B, C . . . 1, 2, 3” list?


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