Life is precious, fragile, amazing.
Smack dab in my mid-fifties, I keep trying new things. And continue a practice that has worked for nearly half of my life . . . living gratefully. Some days it works really well. Other days it allows me to keep my head above water.
It spans all areas of my life, and initially emerged as a suggestion from a fellow recovering alcoholic and friend I consider one of my first spiritual advisors. Living gratefully is about overall well-being and helps me stay physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthier than I would be without it. Running and writing have defined me since an even younger age. Put them all together and they have been the most transformative aspects of my sometimes messy but most often blessed life.
Writer. Runner. Mid-lifer.
Recovering alcoholic. Friend. Listener.
Cancer patient. Breastless woman.
Blogger. Meditator. Nature lover.
Wife. Mother. Stepmother. Sister. Grandma. Aunt. Daughter.
Human being living gratefully, and gracefully.

It starts with a pause, continues with paying attention,
always aided by getting out of my own way.