An Acronym, a Quote, a Poem
Today I am grateful for so many things, not the least of which are my fingers working the keyboard to create words to compose this post.
Words come in all kinds of delivery methods and in endless combinations. This sounds to me like how emotions are also carried into our consciousness. A lifetime of writing words has freed many emotions that would have otherwise been trapped in my head and heart.
Today, it takes less to lead to me feeling more. Really feeling. Both the joy and the pain, the love and the loss, the successes and the challenges. What a gift!
Here are the words of others that have helped me launch 2025 with continued hope and a fairly steady stream of good energy.
The acronym: PACE Pause and Consider Energy. Thank you to my sister Aileen for sharing this. The pace I choose throughout my day determines where my energy goes. A pause helps me make better choices and stay true to my priorities and passions. Wasted energy is lost. Good energy generates more good energy.
The quote: Only that day dawns to which we are awake. -Henry David Thoreau- This quote reminds me to be where my feet are. To find a moment of full presence right here, right now. The day ahead is busy, but this full awakening helps me enjoy the unfolding more and get consumed by overthinking and overdoing less.
The poem:
On Epiphany
I take my heart
to the frozen pond
and together
we walk on water.
This act, we’ve been told,
is a miracle—
today it is as simple
as one foot
in front of the other.
(Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer)
One foot in front of the other. One minute, one hour at a time. An acronym, a quote, and a poem help me see the simple awe and wonder in the artistry of creamer in coffee. With eyes and heart open, with my feet beneath me, I am sure to see more awe, wonder, and little miracles today. I wish you the same. Onward!