Awe, On A Continuum

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle. “

-Albert Einstein-

I have always appreciated this quote attributed to Albert Einstein. It stops me in my tracks every time I read it. “Yeah, that’s certainly something to consider as I move through my day.” It usually leads to me pausing and thinking about something as mundane in my world as flipping a light switch on or taking my next breath. Profound processes that I don’t understand with any depth, but that I sure am glad exist. Sometimes my pondering leaves me feeling spoiled, and also very blessed. I had nothing to do with where on this planet I was born, but I ended up in a free and developed nation and that means I have much that is available to me that many millions in the world do not.

So, I pause. I think about these miracles, big and small. The gratefulness in my heart grows and I feel a sense of responsibility to tune in and take care. But everything a miracle?? I don’t buy that either. I can get caught in the “all or nothing” thinking that plagues my society today. There is a middle ground. More recently, as I prepared an activity for some colleagues around the idea of “awe,” I realized that Einstein’s quote, like so much of our lives and health, could be placed on a continuum. Something like this simple version:


nothing is a miracle everything is a miracle

Where am I on this continuum today? This minute? I will move along the range throughout my day, but if my perspective on life has me closer to “everything is a miracle” I believe my day will go better. And yours will too if you are someone I come in contact with.

It’s a very fitting thought to consider today, Earth Day 2022, as well. I am saddened and concerned by the state of our planet’s health, but also in deep awe of the magnitude of magnificence that plays out around the globe daily—Nature and humanity deliver a constant flow of awe and wonder. Arguably, there’s a continuous flow of trouble and inhumanity too. What am I going to give my time and attention to? I would rather ride the tide of miracles than grind to a halt in the land of no miracles.


Take an Awe Walk


The Between Times