

Today I am grateful for the multitude of colors and smells that greet my senses as spring blooms, blossoms, and grows all around us. I am also grateful for work perspective that keeps me plugging along in these exhausting last weeks of a school year.

I captured these two photos in recent days. The contrast of colors provides a visual treat. I pause and give thanks that I have eyes that can see. I am awestruck by the inner workings of my optic nerve, retina, pupil, and all the other parts and processes that make vision possible.

Stepping outside last evening, I caught the enticing aroma of lilacs and crab apple trees in bloom, and freshly mowed grass. Pausing in wonder, I considered my sense of smell and all the intricacies that bring such nuanced olfactory delights.

This morning, it is the combined chorus of birds that greets my ears. They start the day early, just like I do. What is it like to wake up singing? Iā€™m a morning person, but usually a pretty reserved one.

Nature is bursting with such a rich array of treats for each of our senses. When I pause to look, listen, breathe in the splendor, a new burst of gratefulness and loving-kindness for all of Creation warms my heart. Hope and energy stir within.

Greeting the hours ahead with such tender sentiments sets a good tone. It will make a difference. Have a bright and bountiful day!


Necessary and Vital


The Face of Possibility