
Living gratefully today, I give thanks for the greens that are returning to the trees in our area and for the grass that is becoming more fully green too. I appreciate that my eyes can see the rich and subtle hues of spring.

I also caught a couple of gratitudes later in the day yesterday, literally. Playing catch with our grandson Leo, tossing a football back and forth in our backyard, I realized I have been playing catch for over fifty years. That is a lot of games of catch, with many different people and a variety of balls and frisbees. So simple and so fun. A half-century of enjoyment, exercise, and fresh air.

Playing catch has been a constant in my life. First, I was the child just learning. Now, I am the grandma, still learning. Not how to catch a ball or frisbee. Rather, how to catch a moment and relish it.

Later in the evening, my husband Darcy and I took a walk near the Mississippi River, checking out the flooding from a different vantage point. We saw an eagle sitting in a tree above us, heard the unique sound of a crane, saw floodwater over the trail and road in front of us. Conversation caught us up with one another.

As we made our way back to our vehicle, we caught the sun starting to descend.

Catch a moment. Catch your breath. Catch even a few of the many gratitudes this day holds.


Be Here


Destroying the Evidence