Choose to See

Word for the Day

I followed my passion and was guided by the light inside of me. That light does not belong to me alone. It is innate in all of us. Everyone has it. But more often than not, we choose not to see it.

-Lily Yeh-

This is what I learned about Lily Yeh from the description of the documentary titled “The Barefoot Artist,” which I have added to my watch list:

Lily Yeh is an artist who has created community art projects in some of the world's most troubled areas. She teaches survivors of war how to make deeply personal art and regain a belief that life can be more about creation than destruction.

Her light comes from her art and helping others find the art and creativity within. My light comes from writing and inspiring others to consider a fresh perspective through living gratefully. This is not my only source of light, but it is key to igniting the other sources.

If we all have this light within, why does the world seem like a dark and despairing place at times? Are we choosing not to see the light, or is it blocked, or both? We each can and should consider this question as individuals first.

Without a doubt, I blocked my own light in many ways for decades. I still can, but in shorter spurts of blackout. Fear of failure and self-seeking ego have also been obstacles to the light within. I am making progress here too. An expanding spiritual life helps shrink the fear and lack and put more healthy kindling on the growing fire. Some of that comes from following my writing passion, such as now as I compose this post.

What is your source of light? How and what are you creating today? Maybe you teach, or fix machines, or offer health care. Light can come from a simple kind word or a helpful gesture, from a smile or eye contact.

My friend Judy has this saying on her classroom wall: “Help others shine.” That’s all and that’s everything. It is impossible to help others shine without growing our own light too. Choose to see your light. Share it. Our world needs you and your brightness. Onward!


“You can’t saw sawdust.”


Thirty Seconds