Dense Fog Advisory

As my husband Darcy and I left Sioux Falls, South Dakota yesterday morning, after a nice visit with his family, we encountered some foggy conditions. There was a dense fog advisory for the area we would be driving through. The fog came and went and eventually we drove into a sunny day with a view of miles of road ahead on straight stretches of the interstate. Fog can be disorienting, even in familiar places. It can also be beautiful as it rolls in and out. Some of it low-lying and offering a unique view of surrounding terrain.

When there is a dense fog advisory in the weather forecast, and we can see it looking out the window, we do have some options. We can stay put and wait for the fog to burn off and safer conditions to arrive. We can begin our drive with caution, keeping a slower pace and utilizing the headlights and fog lights on our vehicles. Or, we can proceed as if nothing is different today and hope for the best. That can have disastrous implications for us and others sharing the road.

All of these random, and not so random, thoughts about fog and fog advisories were going through this writer’s head as Darcy did the driving. (Thanks dear!)

Just like Planet Earth produces fog in certain conditions, so do you and I. Maybe I’m tired. Maybe I am trying to do too much. Maybe I have lost perspective, or I am stuck and need to step away, but I keep going in my frustration. Can you relate? I had such a time this morning. I was trying to format a document using guidelines I am not all that familiar with. I failed numerous times and slowly began to figure some of it out. Initially, I was agitated and upset with myself for not being able to accomplish my goal.

I stepped away and took our dog Oliver for a walk. It’s a partly cloudy morning here with no fog. With each stride, I released some of the tension I was feeling. I knew I wanted to come back home and write a blog post and here we are. I am enjoying a nice cup of coffee, the soothing sound of the fountain on our patio, and a nice cool morning. The clouds I am looking at right now are still dark before dawn, but they are beautiful. The sky is welcoming the new day and so am I.

Writing and walking eases my tension. Finding the blessings in this moment opens my mind and heart back up. My own dense fog advisory has been lifted. Onward!


Unbroken Chains


Quiet and Skies