Dormant and Alive

This time of the year, late fall and the Thanksgiving holiday, bring to mind both what has entered dormancy, and what lives on fully.

Backyards and playgrounds get quieter—sleepy in the long hours of darkness. The trees, grass, and other vegetation slow down, slow way down, and become dormant until spring. Plant life ready to burst back to life after some needed rest. Dormancy comes naturally, goes naturally.

I can’t help but think about what is always fully alive. Sunshine. A mother’s love for her child. A writer’s heart and mind. Gratefulness for the day ahead.

It’s an interesting contrast. Leaning into rest while also leaning into full-on life. It’s an important mission, to balance these two. Writing helps me in this pursuit.

Here is the short poem that emerged after I looked up at the sky, framed by dormant trees.

Find your own balance. Gratefulness in action and in rest. Happy Thanksgiving!


Lost and Found


1,000 Days of Resetting