“Eyes of faith, ears of hope”

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the warmer weather, melting snow, time outdoors, family meals and conversations shared.

I appreciate Easter. I always have. A joyful day focusing on rebirth, redemption, and forgiveness just as we come out of the long and dark winter months. This winter was especially tiresome with above average snowfall that stayed with us for months.

Growing up Catholic, I also looked forward to the shorter and more uplifting Easter mass after a long week of church services that felt like drudgery to me. I understand them more now, but still prefer the celebration and renewal symbolism of Easter Sunday.

At our Episcopal church services yesterday, I heard these words in our priest’s sermon:

“eyes of faith and ears of hope”

This is where renewal can be found. Looking out on our world as the sun rises on a new day, and throughout the day. Nature never fails to deliver beauty, awe, and humility to my human heart, mind, and soul.

And listening is key to everything. I see it slipping away in our detached, screen-driven society, and I worry. I choose what I put in my ears, and I also strive to listen to others with intention, not judgment. Humanity never fails to deliver hope. I believe it is in our basic instincts and grows more profound often at our most difficult times.

These beautiful lilies greeted us at church yesterday:

I decided to read a little more about lillies at Easter:

Easter Lily Symbolism

There are several theories about the symbolism that surrounds the Easter lily, and much of it is related to the Christian religion. The flowers are often referred to as "white-robed apostles of hope," and they symbolize the purity of Christ, who was free from sin.

In many paintings, the angel Gabriel is depicted as handing Mary white lilies, which symbolizes her purity as well. The trumpet shape of the Easter lily represents a trumpet sounding the message that Jesus has risen, and the nature in which lilies grow is symbolic of the resurrection as well. From bulbs that grow underground for three years or longer, they become beautiful flowers. This process is reminiscent of Jesus's brutal death and holy resurrection. Thus, lilies represent rebirth and hope, just as the resurrection does in the Christian faith.

(Source: Southern Living Magazine https://www.southernliving.com/holidays-occasions/easter/easter-lily-meaning)

A trumpet sounding a joyful message. A bulb in the dark emerging to colorful blooms. There is both faith and hope in these. Find the faith and hope in today, observe it, absorb it, share it.


For the Birds


Breathe. Just breathe.