
Indomitable: impossible to subdue or defeat

The Boston Marathon took place earlier this week. It marked the tenth anniversary since a bombing took place near the finish in 2013, killing three and injuring 281. At least fourteen of those victims required amputations because of their horrific injuries. One of those fourteen was Adrianne Haslet. I have followed her story in the years since. She strikes me as someone with an indomitable spirit and drive.

I saw a brief Norah O’Donnell interview with Adrianne Haslet earlier this week:

I went back and read the previous blog posts I had written about her and I listened to her TedTalk for the first time. Much resonated with me and reminded me that we may not have control over many things, but we do control our own attitudes and actions. It makes all the difference!

I considered the irony of her talking with her military husband about the what-ifs of active duty in Afghanistan and then she is the one who loses a limb to a bomb.

Her TedTalk reminds us to just listen and be there for others going through trauma and other difficulties. Too often we worry so much about saying the right thing that we end up saying the wrong thing or nothing at all. Be genuine and the care and concern reveal themselves.

How often we say we mean well, but end up putting our own fears and experiences into someone else’s life. I can relate to that as a cancer survivor. Connecting with others and showing compassion is NOT speaking for them. Being fully present and truly listening is always sound advice, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Here is a link to the Ted Talk: “What people say when they don't know what to say | Adrianne Haslet-Davis | TEDxBeaconStreet”

And here are links to my “Habitual Gratitude” posts:

To Dance Again April 26, 2013

She Did Dance Again April 22, 2014

Have a good run Adrianne! April 18, 2016

Finishers April 19, 2016

She ran her second Boston Marathon in 2022, with running partner Shalane Flanagan.

Listen a little. Read a little. I think you will agree that Adrianne Haslet is an indomitable soul.

You and I are indomitable souls too. We are up and at ‘em today and living life. That is what it is all about. Simply and profoundly. Share your indomitable spirit and celebrate others as they share theirs. Onward!


Opening to Awe


Glorious or Terminal?