Like Mother, Like Daughter

Today I am grateful for my mom and the ways she continues to teach me about life. I am also grateful for mild air and rain in late October. I more fully appreciate my mobility this morning as I think about my mom’s lack of mobility.

It was Dad’s turn in my most recent post. Today is Mom’s turn. I came outside in the cool dampness to compose this post because I feel connected to Mom when I am outdoors. Both Mom and Dad instilled in each of us a love and respect for Nature, and also a sense of enjoyment and gratitude to be fortunate enough to take in the splendor of changing seasons, sunny days, cloudy days.

Mom doesn’t go anywhere anymore without assistance from others. There is little she can do for herself or by herself. She loved to walk and to get outside each and every day, and then report back on weather and other observations. I hope, even in her muddled mind, that she is still able to go to these beautiful places in her memory.

Mom still breathes on her own though. And isn’t that something? A pretty significant something. Some day, she will take her final breath. We all will. In the meantime, let’s appreciate at least a few of the breaths we are gifted with today.

Like mother, like daughter. That can be a loaded phrase. Today, it is mostly a grace-filled phrase for me. I walk in the outdoors like Mom loved to do. I write in journals, as Mom did for decades. Two of the most energizing and life-clarifying actions of my daily life connect me to Mom. And isn’t that something? A pretty significant something.

Thank you Mom. I hope you have a good day today. Onward!




Marking 25 Years