Open the Moment

How is it you feel such lack?

Here is the moment. Open it.

-Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer-

These are the last two lines from Trommer’s poem titled “Timeless.” Read her daily poem offerings at A Hundred Falling Veils.

Lack. There’s a loaded word. Savvy marketers hit consumers with the idea of lack from all sides. Your life will be better with our product. Social media images and posts tell people they would get more views if they didn’t lack looks, shock value, humor, the right stuff.

That’s just the lack from the outside. The lack within is the real poison. And they are both lies.

I have enough. You have enough. I am enough. You are enough. If we don’t squander this moment in pursuit of a better one, we find joy.

Moments I have opened recently:

-the daily hug my husband Darcy and I share

-petting our dog Oliver and he leans in for more

-a text that brings a smile, and a response that sends one back

-driving with the windows down on a beautiful day

-a cold drink on a warm day

-leaves filling out on trees

-the early morning songs of a chorus of birds

-the feel of pen on paper as I journal

-singing along in the car

-words just seeming to flow in a poem or post

-a genuine hello from fellow humans

In opening each moment, richness is uncovered and lack dissipates. Joys reveal themselves effortlessly and we regain energy instead of zapping it. Slow down today and open a few moments.


A Different Perspective


“We each matter immeasurably.”