Precious Time

Living gratefully today, I appreciate an early morning walk with my husband Darcy, umbrellas, supportive shoes, and coffee when we arrived back home.

I also just arrived back home after a week with family in my home county and surrounding area. As the week unfolded, many things struck me as we conversed, walked, ate, drove, saw sites, tried new places, visited various family members, and gathered in groups both large and small. We checked out a couple of places—a cemetery and a museum—that I have never visited before, though they are far from new. And we also enjoyed the fare at the area’s newest pie shoppe.

Numbers were prominent as I considered the highlights and other significant events of the week. Here are some:

*Two choruses of “You Are My Sunshine” that got Mom singing along. She responds to less and less, but this gets her going and it just makes me smile.

*One sister surprising the rest of us as we watched a great-niece play softball. So glad you made it Leonice!

*Good job Saela and your Cougar teammates as you won 11-0! We usually cheer for the other team—our alma mater—but not that day :-)

*One impromptu presentation from our son Sam on his summer research work. You impressed us all Sam!

*The most unwelcome surprise of the week—one dog bite sustained by our sister Ruth. Thankful it wasn’t worse, and hope you continue to make progress in your recovery.

*Countless rain drops at the start of a wet 5K walk/run on Saturday morning that I ran with my friend Beth and that several others walked. The St. Lucas Fun Day 5K was fun! Great to see you Beth! We also racked up several medals and door prizes to sweeten the event. Good job and thanks to all the workers and organizers!

*Six pizzas from two different local establishments that fed a bunch of us over two evenings. Yummy!

*An average of three pots of coffee each morning at our guest house to fuel us for the day ahead. For some reason, I have become the trusted coffee maker. There is no measuring that takes place, just trusting my judgment. A reminder to me to take that into other areas of life as well.

*Two Rangers (sometimes three) heading out on an adventure to see one native, never-tilled prairie area and other beautiful northeast Iowa scenery. Thank you Neil and Karla!

*Time with one niece currently undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Good to see you Sarah! Keep on keeping on! One more chemo, then surgery. One day, one appointment, one procedure at a time.

The numbers went on and on and the memories grew. Our time together is precious. Our years on this planet are also racking up. We don’t take that lightly. We know how quickly it can change. Today is precious. Spend the hours ahead living gratefully.


Au Naturel


Poetry, to the Point