Simplicity, for Simplicity’s Sake

Today I am grateful for time with my family this weekend, safe travels and those who did the driving, and new experiences.

My gratitude practice started simply decades ago. I recorded three things I was grateful for each morning in my gratitude journal. It has evolved in numerous ways since, but remains simple. Pause. Note. Share.

Simplicity, for simplicity’s sake. I need it in my life, and I think humanity and our planet need it too, maybe more than ever.

So I offer some wonderful resources from Grateful Living and our most recent Rivertown Gratefulness Gathering last week.

The Cure for it All is a lovely poem by Julia Fehrenbacher. Some of my favorite lines:

“Blow kisses at yourself in the mirror, especially when you feel like you’ve messed up.”

“Don’t be so arrogant.”

“Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe until you feel your bigness . . . ”

The cure for it all is profoundly simple: acceptance and awareness in the present moment.

And another wonderful video from Green Renaissance, To Live Simply, featuring Christopher Leow.

The video description is:

Simplicity is purity. It is facing the true nature of things and embracing it, instead of filling a hole inside you with chaotic activity or an overabundance of stuff.

Simple, straightforward, meaningful - these words describe freedom, not limitation - intensity, not distraction - a life fully lived, not a life of lack. A simple life is a deep life.

Filmed in Singapore.

Key phrases/thoughts that resonated with me:

*Reduce entitlement.

*The upside of being light.

*As a child . . . time stopped when he drew.

As a young pre-treen and teen, my mind stopped swirling when I wrote. I found some clarity, some relief. It is still working for me. Simply put, writing saved my life and now helps me live my life fully.

I invite you to read the poem, watch the video, or both. Find your own favorite lines and phrases. Simply put, slow down and pay attention and you will be deeply rewarded.


Pause, Begin

