Tapped Out, Tapped In

“Good morning!” That is how I try to greet the new day. Sometimes it is just “Good morning.” Either way, it beats waking up with a growing to-do list already running through my head and an energy in my body that may be productive, but not always very self-compassionate.

Progress has been made. Lots of it. Mindful meditation is now part of my daily routine and as important as anything else I do. I make time for it. I look forward to it. It helps me. A lot.

I saw this quote today on Insight Timer:

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” -Buddha-

Therein lies the problem and therein lies the solution. I don’t need to wait for someone else to fix something or change something or become something. I can change my own thoughts and the world changes, inside and out.

Here’s a little riff on that today, and what I choose to tap into in this amazing (and sometimes dangerous) mind of mine:

*Happy Birthday to my little brother Lee, the baby of the family. Great to talk to you the other day. Glad to hear you are doing well and have more energy again yourself.

*When I tap into news it is burdensome. Debt ceiling worries. One year anniversary of Uvalde school shooting. Third anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. Yet, the news of Tina Turner’s death and listening to some of my favorite songs of hers helps me tap back into hope and joy. She was one resilient woman and one heck of a singer and performer. RIP Tina.

*It is late May and I am a school counselor. I am feeling pretty tapped out, as usual at this time in a school year. Add to that numerous changes coming, people leaving, unknowns, and I am a little tapped out thinking about next year. The summer will help me find the hope back. I hope.

*I sit here on our front patio tapped into my five senses. I hear a truck zoom past, our fountain’s water flowing, a mower at the nearby golf course. I smell fresh air and flowers. I see squirrels frolicking. I feel my fingers tapping on the keyboard, composing a word at a time.

*And most importantly, I feel compassion, for this incredible, teeming world I sit observing, and for my own heart, soul, body and mind. A less dangerous, more loving mind. Onward!


Rows and Lines


An Observant Perch