“The Deer and I”

The Deer and I

Amid the morning’s

magnificent sun,

air, stillness.

I rounded a corner

on the trail.

startling you.

Our eyes met,

your presence keen.

Sorry to disturb

your peace

and quiet.

Know you

added to mine.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


This poem is found on p. 22 of our latest Holthaus sisters poetry compilation, My Sister Said . . . Poems About Sistering. It came to my mind this morning when our dog Oliver and I stepped outside for an early walk. Across the street, under a tree, maybe twenty yards away, I saw the silhouette of a young deer. We all paused and checked each other out. As I started walking slowly, the deer didn’t dash away, but did give itself some distance from us.

It stopped again as Oliver and I made our way down the trail. I paused and watched some more. What a treat! God’s creation all around. Nature delivering sensory treats like the distinctly fall smell of drying leaves and plants. I love that smell in the cool morning air.

The poem above was inspired by a similar meeting with another deer when I was on a run last spring. I have always appreciated wildlife that makes an appearance. Deer are pretty common around here, but close encounters like this morning’s and the one in the poem, are less common. They wouldn’t happen if I didn’t get outside and if I wasn’t paying attention.

Today, I am grateful for the mobility I have to walk, run, bike and be outdoors among Nature’s abundance. I am also grateful for my senses, especially sight and smell in this moment. What are you grateful for today?


Sharing a Podium and Our Stories


Awakening Our Senses #3: Rest in the Gap