The Generosity of May

The generosity of May has been plentiful as I reflect on this final day of the month.

*Celebrating Mother’s Day and being a mom daily to my son Sam and stepmom to Emily and Arthur. There is no greater opportunity for unconditional love. Watching these three grow into adulthood helps me grow more in my own.

*Tears that came without beckoning. I don’t cry easily, so when they showed up I welcomed them and felt the hurt and healing from which they flowed.

*Spring bursting forth. Wow! It took awhile and was so appreciated after our long and snowy winter. In early May, things were lagging. By mid-May, Nature was abuzz with blossoms, blooms, greens, leaves, growth, and yes, bugs too.

*Longer daylight, patio time in the mornings, birds singing in greeting.

*Moments of clarity about work and writing. Even small moments and a simple thought can be just the things that open a new door or close an old one that needs closing.

*Visiting Sioux Falls and the many aspects that weren’t there when we were living there early in our marriage.

*Restaurant patios and the good company of family and friends.

*Spring bursting forth some more.

*A treasured note of gratitude from a former middle school student, soon to graduate from high school, that came along just when I needed it. Thank you!

*”Wait” coming from the crosswalk at road intersections as we biked. It reminded me first to appreciate the pause, and then of W.A.I.T. “Why am I talking?” I tend to learn more from listening than I do from talking.

*Open mic events at a local venue, to start and end the month. Connections, community, and sincere compliments energize me for more opportunities like this.

Generosity flowed throughout the month. Thanks Laurel for this inspiring word that is helping me deepen my gratefulness as 2023 unfolds. Onward!


Winding Down


Rows and Lines