The Magic in Letting Go

The end of the first month of 2024 is already near. It went quickly, and it went in 24-hour segments. Life goes in 24-hour segments. The sun rises and sets, almost magically.

MAGIC is one of my words for the year, courtesy of my friend Laurel. We all got MAGIC to share and then each got another word of our own. Laurel chose magic in part because of the magic in modern medicine. That is her story to tell, but I know of that magic as well.

MAGIC has a story to tell each of us, and I look forward to the story that will unfold for me this year as I ponder these 5 letters. This first month, I focused on the magic in letting go. Letting go is liberating. It frees up energy to be put to better use than what happens when I hang on, control, overthink, worry, lack faith.

My son Sam just moved several hours away and started a new job, his first full-time career job. I am thrilled for him and proud of him. Things are off to a good start. And, after having him home or nearby for the last three years, I am getting to apply the magic in letting go.

The magic started on this journey of motherhood when I carried him for nine months and then his father and I welcomed him into the world early on the morning of January 24, 2002. There is magic in witnessing infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood. He has now moved into full adulthood and we are all still adjusting. It is easier to adjust when good things are happening. So much gratitude.

The magic in letting go allows me to keep putting love, care, and good energy into my relationship with Sam. It just looks different than it did ten years ago, twenty years ago.

His dad and I were walking last evening at dusk. We witnessed Nature’s magic as the light let go in our part of the world.

The MAGIC in letting go. Thank you Laurel for this new inspiration. Thank you Sam for your ongoing inspiration.

Onward, magical moment by magical moment.


Simple Grace


Level of Existence