Tread Lightly and Simply

There has been a theme woven throughout this week’s Word for the Day. It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the Bible (which I am not well-versed in)--”Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46)

So here is a little pilgrimage through several quotes that lead me, and hopefully you, to a place of calm invitation.

— WORD FOR THE DAY — 3/9/23

Sometimes I need only to stand wherever I am to be blessed.


Thank you Mary Oliver for reminding me to take a moment from time to time and breathe in the fullness of presence and place, whatever space I find myself in. It’s a good way to invite grace in.

— WORD FOR THE DAY — 3/8/23

The smallest surprise, received gratefully, yields a harvest of delight.


Thank you Br. David for helping refresh wonder and awe in my day. I flipped a switch and light flooded the room. I smiled and my face softened. The first bite of breakfast awakened my taste and I savored the next several bites even more.

— WORD FOR THE DAY — 3/7/23

Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.


Thank you Thich Nat Hanh for the wisdom of treading lightly, not only on this earth, but in my own inner terrain of thoughts and emotions, and in my interactions with others. Our planet needs our kisses and kindness so much right now too.


The contentment found in gratefulness is not about “standing still” but showing up to your life and being present, always aware of the invitations before you; a receiving rather than a seeking.


Thank you Joe Primo for urging us to show up each day. Living is a balance between pause and action. Between standing still to notice and moving forward to make a difference. Less seeking, more receiving.

Tread lightly and simply. Be kind and gentle with self and others.

Beautiful guiding words woven together. Thank you to all of these beautiful writers. Onward!


These Two Words


#EmbraceEquity IWD 2023