A Real Opportunity

Word for the Day

When your real, effortless, joyful grateful nature is realized, it will not be inconsistent with the ordinary activities of life.

-Ramana Maharshi-

This quote reminds me of some of the most profound lessons I have learned about living gratefully. It brings joy to the seemingly mundane. It makes each moment an opportunity. It generates positive and useful energy. Wow! That sure sounds impressive when put in print. It is impressive, and true. My lived experience and daily practice have shown it to be possible.

Not every moment of every day. I don’t know anyone who is able to sustain such heightened awareness and openness all the time. In the slipping away from it comes the desire to return. Regular practice has brought me to this place. I can still get twisted up in thoughts and worry. I can still revel in a good bath of self-pity. I can still walk right past awe and wonder.

But I am living gratefully more readily and steadily, falling into the pit less deeply and staying for a shorter time. Practice makes progress possible. Embracing imperfection—my own and that of the rest of the world—brings perfect moments of rich presence.

Gratefulness is so much more than giving thanks. It is finding meaning in our days. It is noticing Nature and other living beings. It is leaning into painful emotions as part of life and as some of our best teachers. This Wednesday, September 21 is World Gratitude Day. Read more about it here and sign up for an exciting opportunity coming up that day here.

As the fine folks at A Network for Grateful Living encourage: “Join Us on World Gratitude Day for the Global Online Premiere of Gratitude Revealed.” I look forward to seeing more of Louie Schwartzberg’s amazing work. There is still time to purchase a ticket.

The movie premiere is a real opportunity to learn more about living gratefully. No need to wait until then though. Today, hour by hour, or even moment by moment, the ordinary activities of life will present us all with real opportunities for boundless appreciation. Pause. Look. Listen. Open to the real gifts right here in real time.


Ongoing Transformation and noting World Gratitude Day 2022


A Tale of Two Journals and Three Books