3 Quotes and 2 Cracks

Another “1, 2, 3 . . . A, B, C” developed this morning. Three quotes and a couple of cracks included.

Here are three quotes from this last week’s “Word for the Day” email I receive from Grateful Living.

1. I bless this day for the wonderful adventure it can become as I walk through it with the eyes of wonder rather than boredom, use every opportunity to express peace rather than irritation, and choose love over fear.


2. Life is a gift that is given and will be taken. How we choose to spend our time here is our gift to life. It is our way of saying “thank you life” for the gift.


3. The next message you need is always right where you are.


Wonder or boredom? Life, and today, as gift. Open to that next message. Three phrases to ponder today.

A . . . B . . . C . . .

Art shared at Hastings Art Center last evening. I so appreciate the opportunity to do spoken word, hear wonderful sharing from others, beautiful music, and a holiday sing-along too. Thank you to all who helped make the event possible, the other writers and musicians who shared, and friends and family who attended.

Being myself. The wonder of being comfortable in my own skin. The joy of being confident on a (small) stage reading my own writing.

Capturing cracks in a photo as I walked Oliver this morning. Left to consider things like the cracks in my winter skin. They are painful, but the pain reminds me I am alive and living in a winter wonderland. Or the cracks in the trail. A trail we have traversed thousands of times in our years living here. Well-worn cracks. Cracks that have been earned. The best kind.

That’s all. Onward!


Morbid Reflection and a Squirrel Trilogy


“After the Glitter Fades”