1, 2, 3 . . . A, B, C

Living gratefully today I appreciate the sounds that ground me in the present moment. I give thanks for the legacy of the ancestors who came before me.

In a recent post, I wrote about a quick and easy living gratefully practice I am calling “A, B, C . . . 1, 2, 3. Read it here. It is a nice addition to my toolkit of actions and exercises that bring gratefulness to my days, enhancing my sense of feeling grounded and present. These in turn keep my energy focused and my thoughts and emotions healthier.

Today, I am putting a twist on this practice and going with 1, 2, 3 . . . A, B, C.

One mouth to keep shut.

Two ears with which to listen.

Three seconds to pause.

Often, what I think I need to say is not really necessary, or not as impactful as what I need to hear. This is especially true when my emotions are heightened by anger, fear, frustration, grief or some of those other more difficult, but also necessary, feelings. What I have to say at times like that may be harsh, unkind, jumbled, selfish. It is better to hear silence than to fill it with such noise. A three second pause can be just enough for me to catch myself. To hold my tongue.

A three second pause works well in any circumstances. It reminds me to tune into my breath. It suggests I look around and see who and what are right here, right now. I am never so busy that I can’t take three seconds to pause. And if I think I am too busy, I better pause for three minutes instead. Get my feet back beneath me.

A is for acceptance.

B is for benign.

C is for compassion.

Acceptance of what I can’t change used to be a daily struggle, a real struggle. It is less so today, thanks to recovery work and a Higher Power who keeps giving me lessons on it. (Also see 1, 2, 3.)

Benign isn’t just good news following biopsies. It also means: of a gentle disposition, showing kindness and gentleness. What a nice way to approach interactions with my fellow humans. What a nice way to approach interactions with my own head and heart.

And when I bring a sense of compassion to these same interactions, there is more contributing, less contaminating.

Sometimes I bring this sense of compassion to the forefront by putting one or both of my hands over my heart and feeling my own life, my own warmth. Three seconds would be a little quick for this activity. I suggest 30 seconds at least.

What is on your 1, 2, 3 . . . A, B, C list today?


Fresh Starts and Silence

