4,000 Miles, 25 Years, and a Very Generous July

It feels good to be back blogging here, and it also felt good to take a couple weeks away. It has been the longest break I have taken in the 11 years I have been blogging. Breaks and time away bring perspective, to whatever it is we are pausing for that time.

Since July just wound down, it’s time for my monthly recap on my word for the year—GENEROSITY. Read this post from January to find out more.

A month that includes my birthday, a 4,000 mile road trip, and our 25th wedding anniversary is a very generous month!

Here are some of the highlights, start to finish:

*the scenic countryside of western Wisconsin and quaint small towns

*all the family together for a day and enjoying parks and sprinklers and getting family pictures

*a relaxing birthday

*good books to start and finish and the unique writing styles of various authors

*good blood pressure 110/70 and oxygen rate of 98% and pulse of 66 at my recent physical

*keeping a good mindset at work, most of the time, even with some stressful challenges

*just sitting and looking, attending, noticing (there’s plenty of time to do that when traveling through nine different states)

*traveling through engaging and different scenery (Thank you for doing most of the driving Darcy!)

*watching the sun set on the Pacific Ocean (The Oregon Coast was our furthest destination and a highlight!)

*safe travels over those 4,000 miles

*seeing some of our extended family at three different stops on our journey

To top the month off, my husband Darcy and I arrived home in time to celebrate 25 years of marriage on July 30. How can 1998 be that long ago? I appreciate how our marriage has strengthened and evolved. It works well for the two of us. I love you dear!

We watched some wedding and reception video clips with our kids, and saw loved ones now gone. Life is precious. Life is fragile. Today is a gift.

It was hard to pick just one picture, but a sunset at Pacific City, Oregon won out.

July was generously generous. Today can be too. Thanks again Laurel! Have a good day all!


Big Sky


“Living from a Larger Mind”