“Living from a Larger Mind”

Today, I start with the wisdom of others from some of my regular sources of thoughtful, and thankful, contemplation and meditation. They all fell into my lap in the last couple of days and coalesced into a powerful reminder to be more of a human being, less of a human just doing. This is a reminder I will always need, but one which I am getting better at hearing.

— WORD FOR THE DAY from Grateful Living —

The more you are focused on time — past and future — the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.

-Eckhart Tolle-

We open the door of the unknown together. We invite each other to experience the miracle of being.

— Guillermo Cuellar-

“If we start our day with ten expectations, we have just set ourselves up for an unhappy day. When we live out of our minds, it just creates expectations and reasons to be disappointed. Don’t do that!”

Richard Rohr, from today’s Daily Meditation on the Center for Action and Contemplation. The title of today’s meditation is “Living from a Larger Mind.”

Don’t do that Lisa! Don’t flay yourself with expectations. Don’t deny your powerlessness over time (the passage of it, not how I choose to use it.)

Do pause, breathe, notice. Do take breaks when mind swirl reaches an unhealthy level. Do enjoy the beautiful hue of these flowers. When Richard Rohr talks about living from a larger mind, I believe he is imploring us to live from more open and receptive minds, taking in what is right in front of us and more readily embracing what is in our hearts and souls. From there, service to others and stewardship of resources follows. Smaller ego. Larger reception. It’s a worthy goal!

I will be taking a blog break until early August. Enjoy the rest of July, day by day. There are over 200 posts to read here, and you can also visit my previous blog, “Habitual Gratitude” for plenty more reading. Onward!


4,000 Miles, 25 Years, and a Very Generous July


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