4:44 a.m.

I was awakened by our dog Oliver this morning. I sat up and looked at the clock and it read 4:44 a.m. I am often up earlier, but had set no alarm today. It’s nice to have no alarm mornings isn’t it? I have a little practice I have been doing for years now. I don’t know when I started it, but I do know why. Anytime the clock reads three identical digits, I pause and consider that number of people who I can send prayers and healing energy to at this time.

The four people I thought of today are very ill with terminal cancer, recovering from major surgery, elderly, and a more general intention for students who will not all get the answers or resolution they are hoping to get.

Why do I do this? To get out of my own head. To think of others and take my mind off of the things it likes to spend too much time spinning up—my negative thoughts, worries, ego-driven fears. It helps. it really does. Helpful energy is going out and also turning inward.

So, this morning I got up and took Oliver out, continuing to consider the number 4. Here are four things I am grateful for today:

  1. The soothing fountain and backdrop in the photo below. This is on our front patio, where I love to sit in the early morning.

  2. The eyes and ears that, though not as sharp as they once were, continue to offer me beautiful views and experiences, whether I am at home or 2,000 miles away.

  3. A long walk in the cool morning air with my husband Darcy.

  4. Those workers doing the road construction and sidewalk improvements in our neighborhood. It is fun to watch the progress and look forward to completion and better walking, running, biking, and driving surfaces.

Consider your own list of four intentions, or four gratitudes, or both. Write them. Sing them. Pray them. Shout them in the car. Whatever works. Have a good day, just for today!


Gains and Losses


Open Mics, Mary Oliver, and a Grasshopper