A Singular Place

May you embrace this day, not just as any old day, but as this day.

Your day. Held in trust by you, in a singular place, called now.

-Carrie Newcomer-

It sounds simple. A singular place called now. But it can be a real challenge for me to be present to it. So I practice. I sit in the quiet of early morning and breathe.

Listening to the hum of appliances, I say thank you to my ears.

Feeling the warmth of the cozy blanket that covers me, I say thank you for my sense of touch.

Seeing the soft glow of lamplight illuminate the room I sit in, I give thanks for my eyes.

Taking a drink of cold and fresh water, I give thanks for taste.

Smelling the still-new sofa I am sitting on, I breathe in gratefulness for my nose.

The tiniest bone in the human body, the stapes, is in our middle ears.

Our noses allow us to distinguish between tens of thousands of different smells.

We have thousands of taste buds.

Our eyes help us see many shades of the same color.

A huge network of nerve endings and receptors allow us to feel touch all over our bodies.

Amazing. Right here, right now. I say thank you for all that makes me, me and you, you.

We are complex, but this singular place called now need not be. All it needs is appreciation and attention.

Have a good day! I am taking a blog break next week. See you back here in early April!


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