More Magic and Grace

Living gratefully today, I appreciate safe travels, time with family, time away from work, a reset.

We are now into the month of April, and I pause to reflect on my words for the year—magic and grace.

Here are some of the ways they revealed themselves in the month of March:

*The magic of letting go –unburdening, letting go of wants, settling into knowing I have what I need in this moment

*The magic of looking up at the sky and feeling my smallness, but also my connection to the Universe. There is ample grace in that.

*Nature as teacher. Again and again. In all ways. Just notice.

*The grace that arrives when letting go of expectations. It saves plenty of energy that I can use for more fruitful endeavors.

*Sounds as varied as Gregorian chant and singing bowls. The coming together of human voices in unison, and the tones my sense of hearing can distinguish.

*Snow falling and how it lands silently, accumulates, and makes art.

*The magic and grace of sunlight, trees, shadows on the snow. Moments pass and the scenery renews itself.

*Looking at myself in a hotel mirror and knowing the grace of self-acceptance, the feel of a genuine smile looking back at me.

*Sharing smiles and greetings with strangers, also known as fellow humans. These simple gestures build good energy and help us connect. More often than not, they are also met with warmth, smiles and greetings in return. Hope for humanity.

Thanks again Laurel. That’s all. That’s awe. Onward!


Rumi, and More Rumi


A Singular Place