Accept More, Expect Less

Here is a post I wrote and published on my first blog, Habitual Gratitude, on July 7, 2012.

Today I am grateful for cooler weather and lower humidity. The northerly breeze feels heavenly after a heat wave. I am also grateful for acceptance of life on life's terms.

"Accept more, expect less" is one of those mantras that I have a love/hate relationship with. I know it is true and helps me; but it can be hard to do. My expectations of self and others can set me up for hard feelings. I have heard expectations referred to as "premeditated resentments." I really don't need to carry any resentments, especially premeditated ones.

Acceptance, though a tall order at times, really is a key to serenity. I control my attitude and actions. The rest of what goes on around me, including the actions or inaction of others, requires plenty of acceptance.

Enter gratitude. One of the real benefits of practicing gratitude is that I have an easier time accepting my life as it is. Gratitude brings acceptance because it reminds me how fortunate I am. I end up feeling satisfied with what I have instead of expecting more.

When I have an "attitude of gratitude" I see the big and small gifts in my daily life. My expectations are better kept at bay because I see my life as rich and full, not lacking.

Gratitude brings satisfaction. Guaranteed! How can I accept more and expect less today?

Helpful words for me today, eleven years later, when I am feeling tired on a Friday of a work week. Helpful when I am feeling a little fractured in where my energy is going. Acceptance generates energy. Expectations zap my energy. More acceptance. Less fracture.

Living gratefully generates both acceptance and energy. Guaranteed! Have a good day!


Write It Down


Fewer Battles, More Victories