Fewer Battles, More Victories

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.”

I recently saw this on the back of a man’s t-shirt as I walked behind him in a park.

I considered this for a moment. Having heard it before, I find it helpful in bringing compassion to others, and to myself. Human is human is human. We are far more alike than we are different. We want the same things for our families and communities, we laugh and cry and love.

And we are each unique individuals with our own life story lived through a singular perspective–our very own heart, mind, eyes, ears, soul. No one else can fully know our innermost being. Most of us have a hard time tapping into it for ourselves. So . . . be kind.

Just be kind. To others and to yourself.

Loneliness is described as an epidemic in our country. We are losing our humanity at the hands of constant comparison and materialism; chasing elusive items and states of being that are supposed to make us happier. STOP. Just STOP.

You are enough, and you always have been. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that once in a while.

If you are reading this, chances are you have what you need at this moment. Food, clothing, shelter, ways to connect with others, air to breathe and water to drink. Not only are you enough, you have enough. Enjoy it.

Consider what it is that you still want. If the pursuit of it has drained you more than sustained you, perhaps priorities need to shift.

I land back on the title I gave this post and the quote I began it with. If I have offered you some things to contemplate, one of this writer’s goals has been met. And another one was met within.

The more I sustain myself with gratefulness, mindful meditation, exercise, writing, Nature, positive connections with others, the fewer battles I fight in my own head and heart. The more victories come. Seemingly minor victories with major impacts like peace, comfort, an open mind and ears, a closed mouth. Good energy.

And the fewer battles I have within, the fewer that manifest in my interactions with others. Personal victories multiply into community victories and our level of compassionate humanity is raised.

Stop. Be kind. Good energy.


Accept More, Expect Less


9/11: Helpers and Hope