Awakening Our Senses #1

On Wednesday evening I will be hosting this month’s Rivertown Gratefulness Gathering on Zoom. Get the details here.

This month’s theme is “Awakening Our Senses.” What a vast theme this is, and a daily opportunity as well. I am deeply grateful that all five of my senses are in working order and how each helps me live in more appreciation of sensory gifts and insights that are present when I become present.

Here are a few recent ones:

*This morning, the sounds of our dog Oliver’s collar jingling and his plaintive cry for me to get going reminded me of how much I love this family member. At 14, his aging is apparent. It reminds me to be patient and loving to all.

*As I walked with him, I saw numerous cars still parked at the event center in our neighborhood. My husband Darcy and I usually comment that “it must have been a good party” when we see that many. This recovering alcoholic takes it a step further. I appreciate people being responsible and that I survived my active drinking years.

*The cool air and a light breeze brushing my face as Oliver and I headed down the trail, and as I snuggled into my sweatshirt a little further, tells me that fall is here. It is my favorite season. Changing colors are beginning to show themselves. Today’s featured picture was captured yesterday as Darcy and I took a pleasant walk in a neighboring community.

One of the richest rewards of practicing grateful living is that each day can be like a new awakening. I can be like a curious child seeing things for the first time. And when I do that, I take less for granted, I find peace in a short pause, and I take better care of myself and the people and world around me.

Why do we lose this curiosity and wonder? Actually, it is you and I that get lost. Curiosity and wonder are always there for us to tap. When I do, I find hope for humanity and our planet. It’s not a false hope either. It is real, true, generative. My senses tell me so.


Awakening Our Senses #2


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