Sit Right Here

Today I am grateful for sweatshirt weather, a calm confidence about the day ahead, the room I am sitting in right now, and the entire home that surrounds me.

Sit right here. These are words I heard in the meditation I did this morning on Insight Timer. So I am. Sitting right here.

It’s Friday, I’m tired from the week, looking forward to the weekend, with plenty on my mind that needs to get done in the coming hours and days. I’m busy. And still I sit right here and write. I consider the lesson and activity I have planned today with some students. I have a calm confidence I didn’t used to have. I have a plan. It will go a little differently with each of the four groups I am with, but I think each will group will have some fun and at least a couple takeaways. I sit here and appreciate that the wisdom of experience in my job has been earned with hard work, and also with wonder and flexibility.

Sitting right here for a few more minutes, I look around the room I am in. From my vantage point in a recliner in one of the corners, I see family pictures when the kids were younger. I see our most recent photos with our growing family. I marvel at the passage of time. Bittersweet is the word that comes to mind.

I look at some more of the mementos on the shelves. Some are gifts from others. Some are purchases from recent trips. I land on this colorful wooden box we found in Santa Fe, New Mexico last March. The hearts caught our eye. We are Valentines in name, and more.

I pause and take a few breaths in and out. I have put my heart into sitting right here. My to-do list has only gotten shorter by one task—write a blog post. Grateful presence, sitting right here doing what I love in a room I love, reminds me that the best way to proceed down the list is one thing at a time, with full attention to that one thing. Onward!


Awakening Our Senses #1


Ongoing Transformation and noting World Gratitude Day 2022