Commuted while Commuting

Commuting to work is a regular occurrence for many of us. I have driven the same route thousands of times now for well over twenty years. I have seen road construction, new bridges, more lanes, and typically have a pretty consistent drive time.

How often do I think about and appreciate the vehicle I am driving and the roadway I am traversing? These are things I often take for granted as my mind focuses on other things about the day ahead or behind me, as I listen to news or music, or talk to a friend.

Maybe it’s good to be commuted to a place of gratefulness for these mundane, daily gifts from time to time.

So here’s the start of a gratitude list for roads and vehicles:

-smooth roadways that make for a comfortable ride

-road signs, markings and stoplights that make it possible for hundreds of cars to share the same space relatively safely

-the engineers, construction workers, and maintenance crews who keep the roads in good shape and traffic flowing in a sensible manner

-my reliable car that has covered over 136, 000 miles now

-headlights and seat belts and all kinds of safety features

-what Mother Nature adds to my drives, whether it be cityscape or farm country

Take a moment the next time you get in your vehicle and head down the road. Give thanks for those things that make your commute or trip as easy as it is.




In a Few Moments