In a Few Moments

In a few moments, plenty can happen or nothing can happen. In a few moments, I can notice plenty or I can see nothing. When I pay attention to right here, right now, a few moments matter.

In recent days, I had these moments:

*Driving home after sharing a dinner out with my family, a little burst of rain was followed by a surprising rainbow. I turned on to our street and all of a sudden it was right there, before me. Vividly colorful, with the hint of a double rainbow. Nature’s splendor.

*Out for a bike ride yesterday, I came upon a young deer ahead, just off the path. I slowed to a stop. It noticed me and crossed the trail, taking a moment to eat some leaves from a tree. We watched each other and it wandered ahead. I slowly biked forward and we both came to a halt again. The deer looked my way, and I saw it for what it is-a living being, just like me. I briefly wondered what fate it would face, but I returned to right here, right now and appreciated our time together. Then, it ran off into the thicket. Nature’s connections.

*Earlier this morning, our dog Oliver awakened us and needed to go out. I took him out and planned to return to sleep for awhile, although my alarm was less than an hour from going off. I helped myself out by shifting my alarm to later and by listening to a meditation that often helps me fall back to sleep. Today, it was more like a few moments of near-sleep, all cozy and warm and present. Rest of a different kind. Nature within.

Nature’s splendor. Momentary connections. Deep calm. A few moments of peace. A few moments matter.

A few moments after first seeing the rainbow, I took this picture from our driveway.


Commuted while Commuting


One Leads to Another, to Another . . .