Courage to Dance

Violin Passionata - An Empowering Track To Uplift You

This Insight Timer track, by Ute Apfelstedt Passionflower, was one I stumbled on last year and it captured me from the first time I heard it. It is short. Sometimes that is all I need. Other times, I may play it 2-3 times in a row.

It always uplifts. It always stirs a good energy within me.

The energy that builds and the softer sound of the violin (I’m usually a rock-and-roller when it comes to music) move me, and then can inspire me to move.

Sometimes I dance, in the early morning, in the family room of our home or other solitary spaces. No one is watching, except maybe our dog Oliver, and he is often sleeping. I find freedom of expression in a way that is not my usual. It stands to reason that the runner in me is also the dancer in me. I just need to find her more.

The movement releases life’s little regrets and refreshes my resolve. My arms reach higher, and so does my heart and soul. I can send away the negative thoughts that serve little helpful purpose and bring in more light, more vulnerability and sincerity.

The drunk in me needed liquid courage to dance. The midlifer in me–the one who sprouts minor existential crises regularly–needs the hard-won “let your light shine” courage that I am finding.

I am grateful for the Insight Timer app and the many wonderful meditation, poetry, and music tracks I have discovered there. Living gratefully, I let the words and music flow, and with it a deeper level of emotional freedom. Onward!


Progressive and Fatal


Love. LOVE. love.