
Delight remains my focus. Delightfully experiencing little wonders and poignant emotions.

Here are a few I have noted in recent days:

*Looking at pictures of my own mom and myself as mom, and the decades that reveal themselves.

*That there is a certain someone who always cares where I am . . . our dog Oliver. He makes me smile and warms my heart.

*The glow of a crescent moon and a light fog at dawn.

*Breathing in the smell of spring–a variety of trees and flowers in bloom–the morning and evening air heavy and fragrant.

*Working up a little sweat with some morning exercises and then stepping outside into the crisp air and really appreciating the coolness that surrounds my warm face.

*Hearing “Rhinestone Cowboy” by Glen Campbell, followed immediately by “Stop and Smell the Roses” by Mac Davis. These are two oldies I appreciate and hadn’t heard in a long time. The message of taking time to stop and smell the roses each day fits nicely with pausing to take in some delights.

When I live gratefully, stay present in today, my thinking is transformed and my energy rises. I delightfully notice at least a few things I would not have otherwise. Even a handful of delights can turn the tide of a day.

I delight in this colorful butterfly, a symbol of transformation, hanging on the brick area of our front patio.


Sharing Delights

