Fall Break

I was done with my work week Wednesday at noon. My school, along with most in the state of Minnesota, is on fall break for the rest of the week. We will be doing some traveling over the weekend, but Wednesday afternoon and yesterday were spent at home, one of my favorite places.

I got my bike down from the hooks it hangs on in our garage and went for a ride Wednesday afternoon. It’s been busy and I haven’t had a chance to take a bike ride the last couple of weeks. I was treated to picturesque views like the one that you see in today’s featured picture.

There are so many things to love about the season of fall. I was especially enjoying the smells: dry leaves, a cornfield recently harvested, grass clippings. And last evening I was enjoying the slight smell of smoke and the heat from a late afternoon fire in our fire pit. Another of my fall favorites. I find these backyard fires mesmerizing and relaxing.

I promised myself a long run yesterday too, and I didn’t disappoint. I ran through a new housing development about a mile from our house. The roads and sidewalks are being extended. There are more houses that are being lived in already, and still more going up. I got a brand new vantage point from a brand new stretch of road. It used to be in the middle of a field. The view of the surrounding countryside from this higher point was stunning. Part of me is sad to see a farm field turned into a development, but the housing is also needed and it’s a good sign of a prosperous community.

Writing time has also been part of this break. I am starting a new project and am energized and excited about it. I had a chunk of time I don’t often have, and I dove in. Now, the juices are flowing and the document is named and saved. I love being a writer.

I look forward to family time this weekend and more fall scenery as we travel. This fall break is most welcome. I remind myself, and all of you reading this, that each day presents us opportunities to pause, look around, take a break, and savor the scenery of whatever the season may be. Give yourself a break today. Notice and appreciate.


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