Miles for Marriage

It’s marathon season. My husband Darcy ran 15 marathons and I ran 17. I have been a runner my entire life. It is one of my saviors for sure. Darcy may not have been a born runner, but he became one and embraced it. Our first one was the Chicago Marathon in 2004. We were 39. Darcy’s last one was the Fox Cities Marathon in 2018 and mine was my second Sioux Falls Marathon in 2019.

Marathons are no longer on our horizon, and we miss them. Memories pop up on social media, especially during October. In fact, eight years ago this morning, we were lining up to start the St. Louis Rock ‘n Roll Marathon. We finished every marathon we each started. We even finished three side-by-side. Kansas City in 2009. Fargo in 2010. And our first Sioux Falls Marathon in 2011.

The Kansas City Marathon, on October 17, 2009, was especially meaningful. It was ten months to the day since my mastectomies, the third breast cancer surgery I had. I had been through a lot and we had been through a lot, together. It was fitting to make the journey through the streets of Kansas City with heightened gratefulness and presence, together.

We also set a goal to finish together in Sioux Falls in 2011 because we got married at Upper Tuthill Park there and spent our first two years of married life living in Sioux Falls.

We had many, many long training runs, usually on Saturday mornings. We used to joke that our long runs were our dates. Friday nights were for carb loading and to bed early. We miss those times, in ways. Yet, we have the memories to cherish, the pictures to refresh those memories, and medals to show for our accomplishment. Marathons are part of our story and part of our healthy approach to living. We are so grateful for it all.

Now, we take long walks together when it fits our schedule. I continue to run. Darcy is doing plenty of walking. Catching up from our days, talking about work, family, or whatever may be on our minds and in our hearts. We are also at ease just walking. No talking needed.

Miles for marriage. Miles across the years of our marriage. Side-by-side for real, through the challenges and the blessings. Thank you Darcy! I love you and our running history, pun intended.

Today’s featured picture was taken on our way up Barn Bluff on Saturday. Do you see the heart in the tree? This Valentine did.


Our attempt at a selfie at the overlook at Barn Bluff this past Saturday.

In the last mile of the Kansas City Marathon, on October 17, 2009.


At the race expo for the Fox Cities Marathon in October 2018. This was the last marathon we both ran.


Fall Break


Down a Few