Falling, Falling, Falling

Life is a balance between holding on and letting go.


Rumi’s wisdom resonates today. Hold on too tight and there is usually pain. Wait too long to let go and the damage is done. The damage may be reparable, but it may be some of the hardest emotional work a person ever does. Speaking from experience here. There is a courage and faith needed in that space where we gently free fall. And there is liberation.

If leaves could think and feel, how would they describe their own letting go and descent? My human eyes and mind are mesmerized by falling leaves. Drifting on the breeze. Floating. A natural letting go. Ease. Leaves as teachers.

And we are experiencing falling temperatures in our part of the world lately. The week began with warmth and shirt sleeves. It is ending with hats, gloves, and maybe some falling snowflakes to tease us. Seasonal changes. Days getting shorter. Bring out the sweatshirts. Get cozy. Let go of summer and early fall. Ease into the comforts of the current season.

How about falling expectations? I don’t know about you, but many of my expectations of myself have been downright unreasonable over the span of my life. Rigid. Forced. Pushy. Oh, there was damage done! Plenty of damage to my heart, soul, psyche.

The repair kit here includes plenty of letting go, accepting, self-care, and leaning into ease and comfort along the way. I used to push myself relentlessly. The ease and comfort needed to wait until I was done. Most days, I was never done. The ease and comfort were lost. I became lost.

Allowing my expectations to fall into the reasonable and kind category has become one of the healthiest ways I take care of myself. I now expect to give myself breaks, breathe, take time to write and meditate, move my body and rest my body, call it quits before I push too far. “Good enough” is music to my ears. Ease. Comfort. More balance.


Down a Few


Robert Frost on life: It goes on.