Robert Frost on life: It goes on.

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the wisdom and grace shared by fellow recovering alcoholics. Their honesty brings me clarity and faith. I am also grateful for some beautiful weather in recent days, so I can enjoy my favorite season to the fullest.

In a recent “Word for the Day,” this quote from Robert Frost was highlighted:

“In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.”

Of course, lines from Frost’s poems are often quoted. This phrase is not one I had heard before. As I did a little research and reading, I also learned that another deeply meaningful phrase in my life is attributed to him as well.

“The best way out is always through.”

In the sixty years since Robert Frost died, the world we live in has undergone some significant changes. But only in certain ways mainly having to do with technology and so-called progress. Humans tend to like answers, order, and comfort. Life tends to deliver more questions, periods of chaos, and enough discomfort to get our attention and make us teachable. This has been true of humanity throughout our existence.

The seeming simplicity of Frost’s words is often lost on us as we rush around, doing what? How about a moment or two to enjoy a sunrise and get some perspective that reminds us rushing is exhausting and often frustrating. How about embracing the pain and discomfort of grief or another emotional challenge in our lives? Avoiding it or taking the long way around will not make it go away. It will be there. Might as well make our way through it. True lessons and transformation will emerge and so will we.

Life goes on. If we are fortunate enough to wake up to a new day. When I can reside in grateful presence, even briefly, I find some peace. I know the comfort of experience—I have made it through before, I will make it again. Our fragile existence is meant to be profound and amazing. Why else would we strive to perpetuate it?

Life goes on. This sunrise photo was captured on my family’s farm last weekend. I sit on the front porch of my own home this morning watching the sun rise again. Grateful to be here.

Have a good day and a good week! A work commitment will keep me away from my next post until late in the week.


Falling, Falling, Falling


My Mother’s Hands