
Let me fall if I must. The one I will become will catch me.

-Baal Shem Tov-

So much clarity and peace seems to come through when I am hitting strides on an early morning run. Wisdom and endorphins. Not always in the ways I would expect, or seek, though. 

Messengers of wisdom take many forms in our lives, sometimes arriving with a jolt. On Saturday morning, I was running in the dark on sidewalks and trails I have run on numerous times. Street lights offered sufficient lighting most of the time, but I was tuned in to where I was and where my feet were landing. I even had the thought, “watch where you are going” followed by a thought that went something like this “At least you’ve always been pretty sure-footed Lisa.”

Not two minutes later, my right foot caught a crack in the trail and I went sprawling. I picked myself up, brushed myself off, surveyed the damage, and starting running again. Thankfully, other than a couple of scrapes and bruises, I was uninjured and able to continue my run. My fall was also witnessed by a driver in a vehicle that just happened to be driving by. The man in this vehicle was kind enough to turn around and make his way back to me as I continued down the trail. He rolled down his window and asked me if I was okay. I thanked him and said that I was. We both went on our way.

It brought to mind this quote: “We don’t have to agree on anything to be kind to one another.” This simple gesture from a considerate stranger gave me renewed hope in humanity. So much entitlement, division, hateful rhetoric, finger-pointing and more is going on, or at least that is what the news is reporting and various social media platforms are perpetuating. And yet, a kindness was extended, one human to another, and this human appreciated it.

I kept running, smiling to myself. Partly out of relief that I hadn’t suffered more significant injury, and partly out of ego deflation. The Higher Power in my life has a sense of humor that shows itself with impeccable timing. I marvel at the way life‘s lessons deliver themselves. Get a little overly confident, develop a touch of arrogance, and see what happens? Jolted back to reality.

A second quote came to my mind and heart as I continued running. It is the one at the beginning of today’s post. “Let me fall if I must. The one I will become will catch me.” During a recent difficult time in my life, these words delivered a jolt. A realization. I was in deep emotional pain, but I was going to make it through. The person I was becoming, with hard work and help, was going to catch me. In fact, she did catch me on Saturday morning.

I am still feeling the physical impacts of my early morning fall and the jolt to my body. That physical jolt led to more emotional clarity though. Get out of the way Lisa. Stay out of your own way. Surrender. Let go. Do your part. Stay in your lane. Surrender some more. Let go some more.

Sometimes we just need a jolt.


1, 2, 3 . . . A, B, C


Cancer and Life’s Trajectory