Just Start

“Start practicing gratitude and watch your life change.”

I heard these words this morning as I listened to a brief meditation track on Insight Timer.

Amen and I agree 100%. After an early life of feeling lack and focusing on what I didn’t have, a recovery friend suggested I consider giving some thought energy to what I do have. She was tired of me verbalizing my self-pity, and she was also a wise woman. It has made all the difference. Thank you Terrie!

I also have to give credit to my mom and the examples she gave me in her daily walks out in the natural world, and her journaling. Walking and writing have been deep sources of gratefulness in my life since my childhood-I just didn’t recognize them as such until later.

Start. Just start. Focus on a couple of breaths first thing in the morning and give thanks for waking up to a new day.

Step into a room in your house and notice three things that you usually walk right past. Why are they there? How can you bring them a little more appreciation? In my case, it may be to start by dusting them off :-)

Pull out a pen and paper, fancy or simple, and write from your heart and to your heart. Send a note to someone who matters and taught you important life lessons. Jot down two things you are feeling thankful for right now. Fingers that work and WiFi come to my mind.

Just start. Pay attention. We pretty much have what we need already. If I go through the day looking for the abundance that is already here, I will find it. In doing so, I will also find good energy and resilience.

Good energy. We can all use some of that. Onward!


Three Tidbits


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