Starve or Feast?

Above is today’s “Word for the Day” at Grateful Living.

Here are two others recently shared:

No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future.

Any amount of gratitude changes the present.


We arrive on this planet empty handed and we will all soon leave empty handed.

So then, how and in what spirit do we want to spend the time in between?


Starve or feast? Any amount of gratitude? In what spirit?

Are these simple questions or challenging ones? The answers lie within. Within the words and within you and me.

We are interconnected and interdependent, not just with our neighbors around the corner, but those around the globe. We share one home—Planet Earth. I believe I have a responsibility to be a good steward of resources and do my part to protect what is a fragile balance between what we need from our planet and what our planet needs from us. Small measures add to the feast. Minor harms cause more starvation. Literally and figuratively.

If I can bring any amount of gratitude into my day, and a spirit of humility and grace, I am a better member of society, a positive contributor. And I am also a kinder and gentler steward of my own heart, mind, soul, and body.

Today I am grateful for the awe in the light of a new day arriving, for the breakfast that I only had to walk a few feet to prepare, and for a different pace to the day, allowing me to consider my own contributions as I move ahead hour by hour. Have a good day!


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