Keep Soaking

Living gratefully today, I appreciate the much-needed rain we received in the last couple of days, and I give thanks for my working legs that allow plenty of walking and running. I feel some soreness and stiffness at times, but in a good way. It is like my legs are saying thanks for the movement, and thanks for the rest too.

The rain came after a couple of months with little to no moisture. And it came before the ground froze, so it will soak in and be good for the farmland and the suburban lawns and gardens in our area. One of the rain showers came on my early morning run yesterday. It was dark. I thought the rain was done. I didn’t bother to check the radar on my phone. It was also unseasonably warm at 65 degrees. I was running in shorts.

About halfway in to my planned 30 minutes, I noticed some distant lightning and rumbles of thunder. It got closer. I picked up my pace, but failed to make it home in time. The last 3-4 minutes of my run were a soaking for me, my clothes, and my shoes. But I made it home safely, and with a smile on my face. Running in the rain. Laughter in the rain. Chasing a storm and being chased by one. It was enlivening and invigorating. Child’s play this adult needs.

I continue to soak in the experience of our most recent trip, and my husband Darcy and I also reflected on the gifts of several trips this year. A road trip to New Mexico in March. A flight to and from Alaska in August. And most recently, visiting Maryland. Another highlight of our most recent trip included some miles on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. It was a wonderful way to soak in fall scenery without the heavy truck traffic and hustle and bustle of development that is everywhere along an interstate highway in a busy metropolitan area.

I sit here, continuing in quiet reflection and growing gratefulness. I woke up and felt like writing right away, so I did. I stepped out into the now-chilly November air to take our dog Oliver out. I woke up next to Darcy. I am in a heated house. Next, I will easily get clean water, get out the coffee someone else grew for me, and use electricity to make a pot of coffee. Coffee and water are my favorite beverages now. Not alcohol.

On this Veteran’s Day, I soak up the freedoms, rights, and peace and security others have made possible and continue to protect for me and the rest of my country. On this Veteran’s Day at the end of a week that brought voting in elections, I soak up the results, news, and ongoing commentary with interest. I know my vote counted and mattered.

I sit here with a growing list of things for which to be grateful. I sit here mindfully present. Just sitting for a few moments before beginning another busy day. Life is precious. Life is fragile. I am blessed. Deeply. Plenty more to soak up and take in as the hours ahead unfold. All I need to do is pay attention and stay right here, right now. Oh yeah . . . and breathe.


On a Spree


Soaking It Up