Leaps of Grace and Magic

“Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” -Isaac Asimov-

Here it is, Leap Day 2024. There is magic and grace in the fact that humans have brains that could determine we needed to add this day to our calendar every four years, or end up off track. The Sun and Earth do what they do. We adjust to them. Not the other way around. Humble grace. Scientific magic.

Grace and Magic are my words for 2024. February had its up and downs, but grace and magic were here for both.

Our dog Oliver’s connection and commitment to us was a form of magic and grace. Animals have a way of communicating without words that sure feels like magic at times. We miss Oliver dearly in these first days since deciding to put him down, but we also know the grace that comes with peace in our decision and in his passing.

And the quote above? Every time I put pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard, my mind and heart leap and bound with things wanting to be released and composed. One word at a time, some fill the page and their job is done. Others become springboards of catharsis, transformation, healing, inspiration. Better for me to think through my fingers and put those fingers to work creating lines and poems and posts, than for my thoughts to stay confined to my mind. Confined thoughts don’t feel. Released thoughts can.

Writing is magic and grace in my life. Life-saving and life-giving. It has been for decades.

Thank you Laurel for these very fitting words. Thank you Universe for this Leap Day. Onward!

This morning’s pen to paper.


The Streak Must End


Oliver’s Peace, Our Quiet