Not-So-Random Playlist

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for laughter with friends and family, sincere apologies, and a sleeping dog.

Monday was one of those days at work. The kind that exhausts and disheartens, but that also reminds me of how we can meet one another where we are each at and then move forward together. Yesterday morning, I was still tired emotionally and physically and I decided my commute would be a music-filled one. On other days, I might be listening to the news or a podcast, driving in quiet, or talking on the phone.

Music is what I needed yesterday and then my Higher Power delivered this not-so-random playlist as I went between channels at the end of each song:

* Stevie Wonder’s “I Just Called to Say I Love You”- my favorite of his and just a beautiful song to absorb.

*Jessi Colter’s “I’m not Lisa”- a real throwback to my younger days when I appreciated a song with my name in it. It’s a sad and lovelorn song and it also reminds me of my sister Mary Jo. We had a connection over that song just when I needed a bond as a child.

*Meat Loaf’s “Paradise By the Dashboard Light” -brought a smile as I recalled high school parties when a few of us would stand in a circle and sing (or shout) the whole song. Were we under the influence? Yes. But it remains a fun drinking memory for me.

*White Snake’s “Here I Go Again”- a song that always fits where I am it. Going down or coming up. Dejected or hopeful. Not to mention it’s a good rockin’ tune to justify cranking the volume up.

*And just the tail end of Already Gone by the Eagles. It fittingly reminded me that the heaviness in my heart was already gone after a few songs and the healing words, sounds, and vibrations they brought. I could head into the new day with some sense of hope and renewal.

Thank you Higher Power. Let the music play!


Breathe. Just breathe.


“X” Marks the Spot