“X” Marks the Spot

A late season snowstorm left us with a winter wonderland Saturday morning. It left thousands around the area without power as well. We were spared that challenge, but I thought of those who weren’t so fortunate and how that changed and shaped their weekend.

More than tired of the snow this year, now our 3rd snowiest on record locally, I still enjoy and find awe in the scenery Mother Nature delivers when snow falls and sticks to most everything it may encounter on the trip it takes down to the ground. Trees, cars, mailboxes, utility wires. Anything and everything, snow-laden.

At least with snow this time of the year, it tends to melt quickly as temperatures moderate. I paced myself while shoveling this heavy and wet eight inches. While I was doing my second or third round, the melting was already underway. Clumps of snow were falling from trees and utility wires. Near the end of our driveway, I noticed this “x” formed by what fell from the utility lines overhead.

“X” marks the spot. A chance occurrence I noticed because I was paying attention to my surroundings and taking pauses in my work. How much do I miss when I am caught up in my running thoughts and expectations? Plenty.

I am learning though. Practice makes progress possible. Daily meditation and reminders in my day help me come back to right here, right now. Help me breathe deeply when I have gotten agitated. Help me look around with more awareness. When I do these things, even one of them, I get treats from Nature, from others, from my own heart and mind, from life as it simply unfolds moment by moment.

What an amazing deal it all is. Pay attention. Be rewarded with wonder and awe. Pause. Be rejuvenated and refocused. Onward! Have a good day!


Not-So-Random Playlist


The Generosity of March