November’s Generous Light

The generosity of November showed itself in light. Light takes so many forms. I am sitting in the warm glow of the lights from our Christmas tree as I compose this. It’s one of my favorite things of the season—sitting in this light. The holiday season arrives with these lights just as Nature’s season brings shorter days and more darkness to this part of the world.

The song “This Little Light of Mine” came to my mind the other day. “This little light of mine. I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.” I’ve listened to a couple different versions of the song and been uplifted by the words and the music. In a time of dark news and somber statistics about violence and death in too many places on the planet, the song reminds me that I can still bring light to this day, to myself, and to interactions with others.

In the middle of the month, I was thrilled to have a handful of opportunities to share my poetry/spoken word creations and what living gratefully means to me with others publicly. The groups were small in size, but big in heart. A light shines more brightly within my own heart as I lean more into sharing my writing this way. Good energy. Good light.

November brought me several good runs, and I was able to up my mileage and time during the month. I am not necessarily light on my feet, but I am very grateful to be on my feet, able to run. The lightness and energy that endorphins bring me is much appreciated. On dark mornings, this little flashlight of mine helps me see my way safely.

November was another generous month. Thank you again Laurel, also a fellow runner, for sharing your light and my word for the year!

“This little light of mine. I’m gonna let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine. Let it shine.” Have a good day! Onward!


Why me? Why not me?


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