Oh Hummingbird

Living gratefully today, I give thanks for my job and the new school year ahead. I appreciate the opportunities that await in the coming months and the people I will get to know in different ways. Some I already know, others I will just be meeting in the coming days and weeks.

I also give thanks for hummingbirds, and “Hummingbird,” the song by Seals and Crofts. Sightings of hummingbirds are not uncommon at our house, but they are always a treat. As they flit, flutter, and fly away, they deliver a dose of delight. The brief time they hang, or should I say hover, around always brings me a smile and a feeling of awe.

Here are some interesting facts about these smallest of birds:

*Their average life span is 3-5 years, but some live as long as ten years.  

*They are effective pollinators and especially like brightly colored flowers.

*Hummingbirds are lighter than a dime. 

*A typical hummingbird visits hundreds of flowers a day. 

*Many believe that seeing a hummingbird is a sign of good news. 

*There are over 350 species of hummingbirds.

Amazing little creatures that I am glad are in my part of the world. As I consider it, they aren’t just signs of good news to come, they are good news themselves. Hummingbirds seem so full of joy and energy as they alight from one beautiful spot to another. What a life! We could learn plenty from these miniature mindset shifters.  

They may not sing as harmoniously as other birds, but this song is a nice melody to include and to use in closing this post.


72 Years Later, One Year Later


One Connection