One Connection

The image that accompanies today’s post is from a bottle of Pure Life water. It’s their newer logo. I was sitting in a meeting drinking from a bottle and I decided to look more closely at this logo that had caught my eye. When I did, it really struck me and generated some good energy, a.k.a. hope. One line of connection creating the presence of four human figures holding hands and maybe even dancing. A line of humanity, connected. That’s what I see.

Connected. Connections. Connect. What comes to mind first when you hear these words? My social science lens tells me that for many what may bubble up are things like knowing the right people, having a good Wi-Fi connection, saying hello to someone on the various social media platforms we have access to. Ironically, none of those connections are genuine human connections in the way that we most need them. That’s my counselor lens observing now.

Connections matter, and the kind they are also matters. A lot! I fear we are losing our humanity because we are confusing our priorities and building chasms instead of bridges. With each other, and within our own hearts and souls. Evidence to support this abounds. Political polarization. Teen anxiety and depression. Regressing human rights.

And then a little logo on a bottle of water catches the eye and I know that I won’t succumb to the disheartening state of the world. Rather, I head into my day with a goal to make genuine connections with others. I will start with my husband Darcy and our daily hug. From there, I plan to smile at many people, make eye contact with whoever I am speaking with, and generally exude a kind and helpful energy. Please join me. Just think of the difference all of our moments of direct contact will make!


Oh Hummingbird


Unbroken Chains